2RPH Christmas appeal

Wed, 12 December 2018

Christmas Giving

This year 2RPH has introduced a Christmas Appeal to help listeners and supporters of the station contribute to the radio reading service in small (or big) ways.

Through Good Company, the Christmas Appeal gives a number of options for people to invest in the service.


We read to those that can't. Radio 2RPH is a reading service that brings enabling, informative, educational and entertaining published material directly to the listener. The service features readings from the top daily newspapers, international and Australian magazines, and books for those with print disabilities, lack of access to published material or lifestyles that limit time for reading and remaining informed.

Broadcasting to the wider Sydney basin and Newcastle region on AM (1224) and FM (100.5) frequencies, and in Sydney on 2RPH Digital, we also partner with the Blue Mountains, Bathurst and Wagga Wagga. Additionally, 2RPH is part of the national RPH radio reading network.

Skilled and dedicated volunteers from all walks of life, read from the Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian Financial Review, The Daily Telegraph and the Newcastle Herald, and articles from periodicals such as the New Yorker, History Today, Spectator, Women’s Weekly and Frankie. Book readings for all ages are extremely popular as are readings on topics such as food, health, the arts, sport, entertainment, current affairs and religion.

Giving options:

  1. Support a volunteer reader ($5)

Sponsor a 2RPH reader. They are wonderful people who read to those that can't. Your donation covers the recruitment, training and assistance that is provided to them so that they can keep doing there great work.

2. Sponsor a radio program episode ($25)

Give your donation life by sponsoring an episode of a radio program. You can promote your generosity via your social media networks. Your donation will go towards covering the costs of broadcasting an episode of a beloved book reading, magazine or live-to-air reading. Our volunteers give their time - thanks for giving your donation.

3. Contribute to training volunteer announcers ($40)

Announcers are hard to come by, require specialised training and we can't go to air without one. Volunteers are often retired and don't love the technical bits. Three training session for $40 and you can't turn them off! 

4. Help maintain a community radio station ($100)

Your contribution will support the smooth running of one of three  studios and give the volunteers confidence that they can to deliver their program without technical problems.This inexpensive service reaches thousand of people across Sydney and Newcastle and provides information and company every day without listeners having to leave their own home. They really love the service.  

5. Sponsor a radio program heard by thousands ($650)

Give life to your donation by sponsoring one of our programs for twelve months. Imagine the joy you will bring to so many listeners. Your can select from a wide variety of fortnightly programs.

To learn more about the 2RPH Christmas Appeal or to donate, please visit here