Volunteer Ron Ogier says goodbye to 2RPH after 25 years

Fri, 24 April 2020

March 2020 proved to be a memorable month for many of us. As the coronavirus was announced as a global pandemic and governments around the world, including the Australian government, moved to mitigate the spread of the virus, Ron Ogier celebrated March very differently – it marked 25 years of volunteering with 2RPH. Following this incredible milestone, Ron decided to retire from his reading duties with the station. Here, Ron shares his memories over two decades.

You finished volunteering at 2RPH in March this year, marking 25 years with the station. What was it like to acknowledge 25 years of service with 2RPH?

Basically that the years seemed to have passed quickly! So many interesting people scattered through those years, several of who have now passed away, some of whom were my announcers or co-readers. The feeling, at least on the days of doing my readings, of being in touch with both the world and local events which formed the day’s topics, and the knowledge that I was bringing them to the listeners.

Can you remember your first days volunteering with 2RPH?

I started at the Marrickville site, where the parking place was next door, above a large (unnamed) fruit shop. Those years are inextricably linked with my fruit purchases of the day. On occasions I walked from my residence in Hurlstone Park to the studio. Well, not often, I suppose, but occasionally!

Another outstanding memory of those early years was being Father Christmas at the 2RPH Staff Party one year. However, I have little memory of the event as it was a bit excruciating—the boots were a bit too small and that’s all I can remember!

What have been some of your most memorable moments with 2RPH?

The best was when I referred to a certain rugby team as the Bonkers, and to this day no-one believes me that I did not do it on purpose, as their name was repeated a total of eight times in the article! I must have had some mental lapse because that is how I interpreted the word. Such lapses occur from time to time when the brain doesn’t quite exactly interpret what it sees, and that was the worst that’s printable. Another one only occurred once when I mispronounced the name of a letter writer, which I made worse by correcting myself.

What will you miss most about volunteering with 2RPH?

The people. Always stimulating, sometimes frustrating (no doubt many had reciprocal thoughts towards me!), and always nice.

Thank you Ron for your commitment and contribution to the station. You will be sorely missed, both by your listeners and your peers. All the best on a well-deserved retirement!