2RPH featured in IDEAS latest newsletter

Fri, 10 July 2020

2RPH is featured in the latest edition of the IDEAS newsletter on Inclusive Communities. IDEAS (Information on Disability & Education Awareness Services) provides information and assistance to people who are aged; have a disability, or are disadvantaged. 

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The winter edition highlights information relating to going about your daily life in a ‘COVID World’ and looking at some of the benefits that may come about as we move beyond that world. In the newsletter, we announce our suite of new programming. These programs will increase the station’s engagement with the disability and community sectors, highlight the achievements of people with a disability, empower them through opportunities for self representation and draw attention to key issues affecting their community. The new programs include Disability News, New Voices and Inclusive Agenda.

Disability News is a short morning segment covering key policy announcements, schemes, initiatives and major events of most relevance to our core community,
specifically those who have a print disability. New Voices introduces the written works of emerging and under-represented writers, by interviewing a writer critiquing another writer’s work.

Inclusive Agenda will offer a platform for political and bureaucratic decision-makers, researchers and innovators to discuss current and proposed initiatives that affect
people with a disability, the elderly and the marginalised. It will be launched in the second half of 2020.

These new programs join established ones, such as Ablequest, a program examining assistive technology and initiatives for those living with disabilities; Animates, where stories of people with disabilities and their furry friends provide a heartfelt glimpse into these special relationships and Travel Time, which gives travel-minded individuals ideas on destinations with accessibility options.

Get your copy of the IDEAS newsletter today by reading or downloading the issue here.