Investing for Good Conference and Marketplace

On November 16, 2RPH went along to the industry conference, which offered a platform to connect people, organisations, governments and investors and discuss the emerging social impact investment market. It was an opportunity to link people, organisations and investors, and encourage new partnerships to foster social change and investment.

You might be interested to know about a couple of potential benefits and partnerships from the day:

  • We were identified as a good fit for a corporate engagement day, i.e. selected representatives from a company would take part in reading part of the live shifts alongside volunteers one day a year. Corporate engagement is often the first step to developing corporate partnerships and potentially receiving donations;
  • An indigenous delegate who runs a weekly reading group for indigenous students in Redfern became aware that we read the Koori Mail twice a week. He intends to include listening to the program as part of the activities for his indigenous reading group;
  • Interest was expressed by the Port Macquarie Community College to develop a collaborative radio program for young people at risk, in the Port Macquarie region;
  • Jim Wood, a new volunteer, interviewed two speakers and the facilitator from 'Getting Social Impact Investment Ready'. These interviews will be packaged and uploaded to our website and provided to the host of the event for their use.